Darkov – Heating mixtures line

Darkov – Heating mixtures line

Complete supply and installation of the electrical part of the technology and wiring of the building, including supplying technological switchboards and containerized LV power substations.



HEATING MIXTURES LINE – locality Darkov Mine

Name of contract:    Electrical installation of a heating mixture line
Delivery term:          2019-2020



This involves the construction of a new line for producing heating mixtures, including conveyor transport, loading points, sorting plant and containers with electrical installation and a control room. All subordinate operational technology both in terms of location and construction solutions.

The line consists of three hoppers, belt conveyors and sorting plant. The sorting plant is a shell steel structure with a roof and walking platform (+3.8 m) and contains sorting and homogenizing equipment for processing material. There is a separate unroofed steel structure with a crusher and reversible conveyor installed. All conveyor-transport routes are covered to protect them against the weather and especially against increasing dust. The sorted material is poured onto the existing paved area in the backdrop and then loaded onto trucks or railway wagons by wheel loaders and dispatched.



  • Project documentation,
  • Complete supply of HV electrical parts (6 kV), including kiosk transformer stations,
  • Complete supply and installation of electrical parts of the technology, the construction wiring of the building, and including the delivery of technological switchboards and containerized LV power substations.




imageDelivery of electrical installations for the heating mixture line in Darkov

imageHeating mixture line in Darkov

imageInside the switchboard with electrical equipment

imageElectrical installation of the heating mixture line in Darkov

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